quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2011

Everything God does is good!

Long ago in a kingdom far away, there was a King who nãoacreditava in God's goodness. He was, however, a subjectthat we always remember that truth. In all cases read:
- My King, do not be discouraged, because God is good!One day the King went hunting with his subject, a beast of the forest and attacked the King The subject couldkill the animal, but did not prevent his Majesty lost the little finger of right hand.The King, enraged by what had happened, and without showing their appreciation for the efforts of his vidasalvaservant, asked this:
- And now, what do you say? God and good? If God were good I would not have been attacked, and would not have lost myfinger.
The servant replied:
- My King, in spite of all these things, I can only tell you that God is good, and that even this, losing a finger is to your right!The King was angry with the response of the subject, had him arrested in the cell darker and more fetid dungeon.
After some time, King saiunovamente to hunt and he happened to be attacked, this time by an Indian tribe that lived in the jungle. These Indians were feared portodos, knowing that made human sacrifices to their gods.
Mal took the king, began to prepare, full of gladness, the ritual of sacrifice. When all was ready, and the King was at the altar, the priest indigenous aoexaminar the victim, angrily remarked:
- This man can not be sacrificed because it is defective!....... It lacks a finger! "
And the King was released. Upon returning to the palace, very happy and relieved, freed his subject and asked me to be in his presence.When you see the servant, embraced him affectionately telling him:- Dear, God was really good to me! You should be aware that I escaped death because he had just one finger. But in my heart I still have a great doubt:
If God is so good, why did you allow that you were caught in the way it was? Soon you .... that both defended!?The servant smiled and said:
- My King, I was together with you in this hunt, it would surely be sacrificed in your place, because I lacka finger!

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